Ilana Gal
At first glance, Ilana’s lively and colourful paintings have a deceptive naivite. On closer examination however, the strangely piercing expressions of the characters and the intriguing composition imbue them with an unexpected emotional impact. This results in a strong sense of meaningful engagement between the viewer and the painting. Ilana explains: "Whenever I approach a new canvas, I begin with unguided strokes and allow the composition to simply emerge. The figures that survive on canvas are those which I myself connect to. Sometimes I ask myself : Who are these characters? Do they look like me? Is this me, or the one I would like to be?”
Born in Israel in 1968, Ilana Gal has now been painting for two decades. She began to study at the School for Graphic Design in the Jezreel Valley, but her teacher encouraged her to devote herself to painting. Although she followed his advice, her training influenced her style and graphic elements still inform her images.
Ilana's work has been the subject of numerous successful exhibitions internationally.
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